Upplýsingatækni og miðlun í menntun
Samfélag þeirra sem stunda nám, kennslu og rannsóknir á sviðinu
Time: December 10, 2019 from 4pm to 5pm
Location: Á netinu (tengt í vefmálstofu á vefsíðu)
Website or Map: https://www.schooleducationga…
Event Type: vefmálstofa, (webinar)
Organized By: EU - School Education Gateway
Latest Activity: Dec 13, 2019
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Speakers: Peter Birch, Coordinator for Education Policy and Systems Analysis at the Eurydice Network, European Commission; Seán Gallagher, Director of Incorporation at St Angela's College, Sligo
Digital competences are part of the European Commission’s key competences for life-long learning. The recent Eurydice report recognizes the importance of developing the relevant digital competences to learners and teachers, as well as the pedagogical use of technology in teaching, learning and assessment. This Webinar will present some key findings from the Eurycide report that provides concrete examples on how countries are addressing and tackling different aspects related to digital competences.
During the Webinar there will also be practical examples from a school that has taken part in the European Commission’s SELFIE tool which helps schools to embed digital technologies in their practices of teaching, learning and assessment.
Ahead of the webinar you can complete this pre-survey on digital competences and practices in your school and classroom.
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