Upplýsingatækni og miðlun í menntun
Samfélag þeirra sem stunda nám, kennslu og rannsóknir á sviðinu
Time: March 15, 2018 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Location: K206
Street: v/Stakkahlíð
City/Town: Reykjavík
Website or Map: http://skrif.hi.is/rannum/
Event Type: málstofa
Organized By: RANNUM - Menntavísindasviði HÍ
Latest Activity: Mar 12, 2018
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Fræðimennirnir Alfredo Jornet og Ole Smørdal við Háskólann í Osló eru staddir hér á landi í tengslum við Evrópuverkefnið MakEY – makerspaces in the early years. Þeir munu halda erindi um tilviksrannsókn í Noregi sem þeir hafa skipulagt í tengslum við verkefnið og er um nýsköpunarsmiðjur í vísindasöfnum og hvernig má nýta þær í menntun ungra barna. Hér fyrir neðan er nánari lýsing.
Útsending verður á https://c.deic.dk/rannum
Makerspaces are becoming common in science centers and museums targeting youth and adults, but little is known about how these spaces might be designed for supporting younger children’s creativity and knowledge. In this presentation, we report on design-based research involving the university, a science and technology museum, and a kindergarten in Norway, who collaborate to develop and test design concepts for makerspaces targeting 5-6 years old children. The research comprises several phases, including initial ethnographic observations of children playing at their kindergarten and during existing activities at the museum. These observations become input to design workshops in which the goal is to develo a makerspace activity suitable for but also taking an innovative approach to the needs and motivations of early years education. Using a sociocultural approach, we identify design concepts and analyze the different ways in which the socio-material conditions surrounding the design and implementation of the pilot activity support and/or hinder opportunities for learning and creativity. Preliminary findings suggest the prevalence of cultural and historical tensions between the need to provide structure and constraint to facilitate young learner’s participation, and the goal of supporting freedom and creativity. Findings also suggest the importance of developing maker projects spanning across the kindergarten and the science museum, rather than being limited to the latter, and the importance of considering how strong and weak framing approaches structure opportunities for engaging in creative making.
Upplýsingatækni og miðlun við Menntavísindasvið HÍ (áður tölvu- og upplýsingatækni KHÍ): Fyrir nemendur, kennara og rannsakendur.
Started by Sólveig Jakobsdóttir in Uncategorized. Last reply by Linda Agnars Sep 20, 2018. 5 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Sólveig Jakobsdóttir in Uncategorized. Last reply by Steinunn Inga Nov 12, 2014. 6 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Gustavo Manuel Pérez Déniz in Uncategorized Feb 3, 2011. 0 Replies 0 Likes
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