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Mapping Success – Essential Elements of an Effective Online Learning Experience

Event Details

Mapping Success – Essential Elements of an Effective Online Learning Experience

Time: November 13, 2012 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Location: H101 aðalbygging Menntavísindasviðs HÍ
Street: v/Stakkahlíð
City/Town: Reykjavík
Website or Map: http://skrif.hi.is/rannum/201…
Event Type: erindi
Organized By: Rannsóknarstofu í upplýsingatækni og miðlun (RANNUM)
Latest Activity: Nov 14, 2012

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Event Description

Amy Kaufmann, prófessor við University of California San Diego – Distance Education mun flytja erindi á málstofu á vegum RANNUM þriðjudaginn 13. nóvember kl. 15.30-16.30 í stofu H101 í aðalbyggingu Menntavísindasviðs v/Stakkahlíð. Erindið fjallar um lykilatriði í hönnun námskeiða á neti, sjá nánar í meðfylgjandi lýsingu. Ath. stefnt á útsendingu á http://frea.adobeconnect.com/ut

An online course is like walking into a foreign land with an entire map laid out, but having no sense of the land’s origin or how to navigate the terrain. How the instructor formats and interacts with the class will ultimately determine the student’s travel experience. The purpose of this presentations to provide an understanding of how the elements of an online course are integrated such that they form a cohesive whole that creates easy travel based upon instructor presence, appropriate feedback, and easy navigation for students.

Extended Abstract

A good online course has elements that do not singularly exist, but rather has integrated elements that are part of a fluid, dynamic experience. A good online instructor works to ensure that each element of the course builds upon the course objectives and works in conjunction with one another, rather than as separate pieces. Online courses can be impersonal and flat, or they can be vibrant and robust. The feel of the course and the experience for the student will chiefly rest on the instructor’s ability to provide a succinct, clear, accessible, course with guided direction—in other words, an accessible map made by a mapmaker who serves as the tour guide.

Instructor Presence – The Mapmaker. Instructor presence is vital to create in an online course, because without it, the class becomes an impersonal experience guided only by text and the other electronic medium.

Instructor Feedback – The Tour Guide. Instructor feedback is one of the most vital elements of an online course. It is interesting to note that instructor feedback is also a vital part of the aforementioned instructor presence

Navigation – The Map. Lastly, a map is only as useful as it is accessible. The legend, the key, etc, all must make sense and be relevant if the map is to be useful.

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