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Sýndarveruleiki til að styðja við nýsköpun og skapandi viðfangsefni

Event Details

Sýndarveruleiki til að styðja við nýsköpun og skapandi viðfangsefni

Time: August 30, 2018 from 4:30pm to 6:15pm
Location: Stofa K205, aðalbyggingu Menntavísindasviðs Háskóla Íslands
Street: v/Stakkahlíð
City/Town: Reykjavík
Website or Map: https://skrif.hi.is/rannum
Event Type: málstofa, og, vinnustofa
Organized By: RANNUM og RASK - Menntavísindasviði HÍ
Latest Activity: Aug 30, 2018

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Event Description

Dr. Bobby Nisha frá Háskólanum í Sheffield verður með málstofu/vinnustofu um sýndarveruleika: The enhancement of creativity and innovation with virtual reality. 

A socio-cultural-psychological shift has been made possible with learning that is enabled by technology. The emergence and omnipresence of artificial intelligence and immersive visualization technologies have the potential to shape/re-shape the boundaries of creative imagination and expression. This workshop will elucidate the future trajectories of how education is set to evolve with new age technology of immersive virtual reality. It will talk through the opportunities and means to envisage and create learning environments that acts as creative incubators in which learners are mentored, stimulated, provoked and engaged with virtual reality. It will further expand on how virtual reality and augmented reality can serve as a platform for respecting the self-expression and individuality of learners to further inspire creative thinking. The boundaries of cognitive capacities define and engage with creative endeavours and is conditioned physical, conceptual, actual and deceptive frames of references.  Creative endeavours with immersive visualization technology show that there is immense potential to tap in to the domains of experiential learning especially when it comes to design as the participant is not in the allocentric spatial frame of reference.

 The workshop will present two case studies where young children engaged with virtual reality, augmented reality and 3D printing. Through the case studies the workshop will demonstrate the activities embedded a subconscious and emotionally laden multimodal process and how that contributed to the capability to draw on different semiotic modes and to transform meanings between them. The workshop will further present a series of guided hands-on exercise with augmented and virtual reality with the work flow.

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